Rivalz Network Joins Chainlink Build

Rivalz Network Joins Chainlink Build
Rivalz Joins Chainlink Build

We’re excited to announce that Rivalz Network is officially joining the Chainlink Build program. As a part of Build, we aim to accelerate ecosystem growth and long-term adoption of AI-driven data and intel by gaining enhanced access to Chainlink’s industry-leading oracle services and technical support, as well as incentivizing greater cryptoeconomic security, in exchange for a commitment to provide network fees and other benefits to the Chainlink community and service providers, including stakers.  

We’re confident that through enhanced support, secure off-chain services, and the backing of Chainlink’s vibrant community, we can accelerate awareness of Rivalz Network and realize the adoption of our AI-driven data network.

Rivalz Network: Data Integrity in Decentralized AI

Rivalz Network’s mission is to build the largest AI data network, setting the benchmark for data security and accessibility in the decentralized AI landscape. Rivalz is a decentralized AI intelligence layer designed to support modular AI applications, with a strong focus on data provenance and privacy. It features a peer-to-peer node infrastructure for secure data processing and storage, and ADCS, an agentic data coordination service to support next-generation data validation for AI agents. 

Unlike traditional Web3 data systems, Rivalz is specifically tailored for AI applications, providing low-latency, validated, confidential, and secure data access. By focusing on these critical aspects, Rivalz aims to create an optimal environment for AI development and deployment, enabling AI applications to perform at their highest potential while maintaining the highest standards of data integrity and privacy, securing the future of Agentic DeFi.

Rivalz Network joined Build to maximize the benefits of security and reliability that Chainlink’s oracle infrastructure provides. As part of Build, Rivalz will receive key benefits, including access to and integration of the industry-standard Chainlink Functions, access to new Chainlink product alpha and beta releases, among other benefits. 

In exchange for these services, Rivalz Network will make 3% of its native token supply available to Chainlink service providers, including stakers, over time. These mutually aligned economic incentives enable both communities to support one another.

“We’re excited to join Chainlink Build. This collaboration is a game-changer, enabling us to tap into Chainlink’s industry-leading platform and technical expertise to enhance the growth and adoption of our AI data network. With Chainlink’s support, we’re set to redefine data integrity and accessibility for AI applications, helping ensure our network operates with unmatched security and reliability. As for our Agentic Data Coordination Service, there is no better partner to build the future of on-chain data delivery for AI agents with than Chainlink.” - Igor K, Rivalz CEO

Chainlink is the universal platform for pioneering the future of global markets on-chain. Chainlink has enabled over $12 trillion in transaction value by providing financial institutions, startups, and developers worldwide with access to real-world data, off-chain computation, and secure cross-chain interoperability across any blockchain. Chainlink powers verifiable applications and high-integrity markets for banking, DeFi, global trade, gaming, and other major sectors. 

Learn more about Chainlink by visiting chain.link or reading the developer documentation at docs.chain.link.

About Rivalz Network

Rivalz introduces an AI Intel Layer, unlocking new agentic economies through a DePIN dual-chain infrastructure built on Dymension and Arbitrum. Rivalz is addressing the AI bottleneck - AI-ready, proven, verified, and private data. Rivalz’s hybrid novel solution includes a Decentralized Data Provenance Protocol, Secure, FHE-Enabled DePIN and a Real-Time Data Infrastructure for AI Agents. This multifaceted approach lays the groundwork for advanced AI development and new value creation.

Learn more about Rivalz by visiting rivalz.ai or reading the documentation docs.rivalz.ai.

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